Anemone Reef, Shark Point & KC Wreck

Dive Site Description

These 3 dive sites are next to each other. Anemone Reef & Shark Point used to be together, until the King Cruiser Wreck crashed on it and sunk.

Anemone Reef is an under water pinnacle, which starts at 5m. and the deepest point is around 30m. Its filled completely with anemones and some fan corals.

Shark Point starts above water and reaches max. 40m. It consists of many different pinnacles and they are all filled with beautiful, colorful soft corals.

The King Cruiser Wreck is laying between 14m. and 30m. Although it has amazing sea life and is an interesting dive, visibility is very limited here (around 5m.) and penetration is not advised, because of recent collapses in the hull structure. We usually dive 2 of the 3 dive sites, depending on conditions and level of the divers.

Most of our dive trips, we dive only two locations now: Anemone Reef & Shark Point. The King Cruiser Wreck is less interesting for divers right now. Plus we have a great addition in Koh Phi Phi area: the Kled Kaew Wreck. As a 3rd dive on this day, we prefer to take divers to Hin Bida or Hin Klai.

Because these are all not protected dive sites in open water, we are very depending on good weather conditions to go here. Around full moon & new moon (and 3 days after those) it might not be possible to dive here. The tides around those dates, give us too much current under water. Please check with us, if you want to do these dive sites. Send us an email on

AOW Required, OWD Required

Marine Life

  • rays, leopard sharks & black tip sharks
  • beautiful soft corals in different colours
  • turtles
  • porcupine and puffer fish
  • different kind of shrimps and nudibrand
  • morray eels and octopus
  • sea horses, ghostpipe fish and pipefish
  • lion fish & scorpion fish
  • many anemone fish