Andaman dive adventure is looking for students for their Padi rescue diver and Padi divemaster courses for the start and end of next season. Right now if you can plan your trip well we have a great offer for you ! These offers are excluding dive gear (you can bring your own or buy it here), but including lot’s of fun, excellent training and a great price!
Please check out our promotion information under the tag dive, under Padi GoPro or email ADA on

Hi Federica,
Sorry it took me soooo long to reply. We have just started again (we have a half year season) on Koh Lanta and the electricity and Internet have not been so good because of our last monsoon storms. What kind of accomodation would you like ? More deluxe or basic ? When are you exactly coming over and until when are you staying (it is peak season then here). Great that you would like to start diving ! The Padi open water course is a 3 or 4 days course, depending on how you do on your first day in the pool. The 1st day (or 1st and 2nd day, incase of a 4 days course) will be theory in a classroom and learning to dive in our pool. The last 2 days you will be out on our big boat doing 2 dives each day. After this you will be a certified diver ! Please let me know if you have any additional questions, warm regards, Lisa