Upcoming PADI Dive Instructor Course:
As currently all divemasters and instructors are busy with work, we are planning the first online integrated flexible PADI IDC Course.
What is different with other “normal” PADI IDC courses?
The difference is that we have a schedule with days in between. On these days students can choose to work, practice more, take more time to study or simply rest. It is a less stressful way to do your Dive instructor course. And allows students to reach their level at their own pace. While still working in diving at the same time.
To be able to plan around our students, we ask all interested students to come by and sign up before the 1st of March. We are aiming to be finished before the end of March.

How does this work in smaller steps?
- Step 1: you sign up and fill out your paperwork. Together we check what you need gear-, education- and tools wise to make it to the PADI Dive Instructor Level
- Step 2: you start with your PADI IDC online and let us know if you need any assistance. We will have 2 sessions in the dive centre that you can choose to follow for diving theory and PADI programs. These are especially interesting for crossing over students and students who have difficulties with this.
- Step 3: you tell us when you have finished steps 1 & 2. After this we plan your pool practice. During this we have a look how your skills are from the open water course and the rescue diver course (exercise number 7).
- Step 4: any refreshers for EFR or people who need to do their EFR Instructors Course? We will plan in a day for this. On this day you can also make adjustments or test your gear.
- Step 5: the Opening session of the PADI IDC! Here is all starts!
- Step 6: plan your classroom sessions and pool sessions with your PADI Course Director and Staff Instructor
- Step 7: The End session of the PADI IDC! Let’s prepare for your PADI IE: the exam, which you should be more then ready for.
- Step 8: PADI Instructors Exam
- Step 9: Start teaching as a PADI Dive Instructor
- Step 10: develop your diving career further by doing more specialities!

Do you want to become a PADI Instructor? Do you want to cross over to PADI Instructor? Come by the dive centre and sign up. Then you can join us for our Pro late afternoon. During which we will do a short pool session, classroom presentation & have pizza!
Sign up and leave your details with Lee in the dive centre, so we can invite you personally.
***We offer language assistance in Thai, German, Dutch and French.
Learn to teach PADI Open water courses, PADI Advanced courses, PADI Rescue courses, PADI Speciality courses and PADI Pro courses!